14 GIFs for parents waiting for a past-due baby

The last week as been a roller coaster! Last Friday morning I started getting contractions.  They got closer and closer and got down to about 30 minutes apart… then they just stopped.  Now we’re 6 days past our due date and we’re having lots of feels.  Here are 14 GIFs that perfectly describe what we’re going through.

1. When you start getting contractions and you are SO excited because it’s finally time to meet your baby

2. When you realize what they actually feel like

3. When your contractions stop – just totally stop

4. When your doctor tell you it’s totally normal

5. When you don’t understand why

6. When you feel like you can’t wait to meet you baby

7. When you finally let go and let baby

Waiting for baby to arrive, going through early labor and having a past-due baby are all extremely hard to do! To all my fellow parents who are waiting for their little bundle of joy to arrive – hang in there!

  • Deborah

    hang in there is right. babies come in their own time, or when the medical professionals decide it’s time. we know how much you want to see his little face and count his little toesies. and be able to lie on your tummy and not have to worry about where the bathroom is. thanks for keeping us all informed here.

    • Jillian Babbel Mendioro

      Thanks Deborah! Still no baby but hopefully soon!